BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 24:7,9;118:19, Isa 26:2; 60:11
INTRODUCTION: An Altar is a place of sacrifice. It is a place where man makes contact with the spirit world either good or bad spirits. It is a place of covenant initiation, invocation and service. Gates and walls are built for protection against unwanted visitors and strangers. We need to pray against evil altars, gates, walls and their activities
1. Father thank you for the holy union of a man and a woman that brought forth fruitful and blessed gift of children. Genesis 2:23 -24
2. Father thank you for sustaining all the families that walks in your fear all over the universe, Psalm 94:14, Hebrews 13:4
3. Father thank you for being the solid rock upon which marriages are established and protected. Matthew 16:18
4. Father by your mercy any altar or gates speaking against the marriages of the children of God let them be uprooted and be forever silence. Matthew 15:13
5. Father by your power, let the rod of Aaron appear and swallow any gate in the air, water, and land crying against families. Exodus 7:12
1. Father thank you for loving your church from the first day with your unconditional love. 1st Ephesians 5:25
2. Father, thank you for your presence in the church with assurance of prevailing against the gates of hell. Matthew 16:18
3. Father, send the mighty move of the Holy Spirit into the church as you did on the day of Pentecost, and let the rain of your fire fall. Acts 1:8, Acts 2:2-4
4. Father let the altar of God in all your churches continue to burn with fire always and let the fire never go off. Leviticus 6:9, 13
5. Father you are the Lord of host, appear before every contrary altars and gates on assignment to pull down the church and scatter them. Psalms 24:9, Psalms 68:1
1. Father thank you for creating nations of the world to fulfil your purpose in Jesus name
2. Father thank you for making your light to shine over the darkness covering the nations.
3. Father by your mercy let the blood of Jesus frustrate and destroy every bbloodsuckingaltars in operation in my (put the name of your country here). Let them lose their hold in Jesus name.
4. Father, deal with every Pharaoh and Herod that have refused evangelism, send them on a journey of no return. Exo 5:2
5. Father; by signs and wonders, bring deliverance to nations in bondage from the hands of their task’s masters. Neh 1:10