BIBLE TEXT(S): Isaiah 8:18, Joshua 24:15
Families and homes are established by God and they are sustain only by His mercy.PRAYER POINTS
Fathersenddowntherainofmercyinmyhomeandfamilythatitshallbewellwithus and we shall eat the fruit of our doings in Jesus name. Isaiah 3:10
Fatherbyyourmercy,noweaponoftheenemyfashionagainstmeshallprosper,and every tongue that rise up against my family and home shall be condemned in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:17
Fatherbyyourmercy,makemyhomeandfamilygreat,ournamegreat,andweshall be a blessing in Jesus name. Genesis 12:2
Fatherbyyourmercy,multiplymyseed,homeandfamilyasthestarsoftheheaven, and as sand which is upon the sea shore, and my seed shall possess the gates of their enemies in Jesus name. Genesis 22:17
Fatherbyyourmercy,commandblessinguponmyfamilyandhome,thatitshallbring forth fruit forever and ever in Jesus name. Leviticus 25:21
Fatherbyyourmercy,turneverycurseuponmyfamilyandhomeintoblessingbecause of your love towards us in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 23:5
Father by your mercy, pour water upon my home and family that is thirsty, and pour your spirit and blessing upon my seed in Jesus name. Isaiah 44:3
Fatherbyyourmercy,makemyfamilyandhomeyourhill,andlettherebeshowersof blessings. Eze 34:26.
Fatherbyyourmercy,usethepillaroffireandpillarofcloudtoprotectmyhomeand family on a daily basis in Jesus name. Exodus 13:21
10.Father by your mercy, fill my family and home with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord in Jesus name. Isaiah 11:2
Father by your mercy, do a new thing now in my tabernacle and let it spring forth, make a way in the wilderness and rivers in desert in Jesus name. Isa 43:19-22
Father by your mercy, satisfy us with long life, and show us your salvation. Psa 91:16
Father by your mercy send your word to heal and deliver us from all our destruction in Jesus name. Psalms 107:20
Father by your mercy, bless the fruit of my body and the fruit of the ground, and bless my going out and coming in. Deuteronomy 28:4,6
Father by your mercy, open for me good treasure, heaven to give rain and bless all the works of my hand. Deuteronomy 28:12